Connecting to your Max provider is the first step to starting to stream your content on Max. This article will guide you. It troubleshoots issues and offers setup tips.
Before You Start
Before you connect to your Max provider, make sure you have the following:
- An active Max subscription through your internet, mobile, or TV provider.
- Your provider account details are handy.
- A supported device or web browser.
Step-by-Step Connection Process
1. Choose Your Device
The process may vary depending on the device you’re using. Here’s how to start on different platforms:
- Mobile devices (phones/tablets): Open the Max app and tap “Sign In.”
- Computers: Go to max.com/providers in your web browser.
- TV devices: Install the Max app on your TV and select “Connect Your Provider.”
2. Start the connection.
Once you’re on the sign-in screen:
- Select “Create a Max account by connecting your TV, mobile, or internet provider.”
- Choose your provider from the list or search for it.
- Sign in to your provider account.
- Your provider will take you to their sign-in screen.
- Enter your provider account details and select “Sign in.”
3. Create or link your Max account.
After signing in to your provider, you must either create a new Max account or link your subscription to an existing one.
For New Subscribers:
- Fill in the account form with your details.
- Select “Create Account.”
- Select “Start Streaming” to begin watching.
For Returning Subscribers:
- Enter your existing Max (or HBO Max) email address.
- Select “Create Account.”
- On the “Account Found” screen, select “Verify Email Address.”
- Check your email for a one-time code from Max.
- Enter the code on the One-Time Code screen and submit.
- Confirm you want to link your provider subscription to your existing account.
- Select “Start Streaming” to begin watching.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
“Can’t verify your subscription” message
If you see this message:
- Check your provider’s website to determine if Max is part of your package.
- For Apple devices, try this: Remove your TV provider from the iOS settings. Then reconnect it.
“Account found” message
If you can’t sign in to your provider account:
- Go to your provider’s website and try to sign in there.
- If you can’t sign in, look for a password reset option or contact your provider for help.
- Once you can sign in to your provider’s site, go back to Max and try again.
“You can’t use that email address.” Message
This may happen if you signed up for Max in a different country. To fix this:
- Try using a different email address for your Max account.
- Or, sign in at max.com/account and change your email. Then, go back to the Create Your Account screen to use your original email.
“Welcome back” message
If you have an active subscription but see this message, you may need to resolve a subscription issue.
More Help
- QR Code Connection: Some TV devices may show a QR code. Use your phone’s camera to scan this for a faster connection process.
- Periodic Sign-In: Refresh your provider connection at intervals. When prompted, select “Connect Your Provider” and sign in again.
- One-Time Activation: Remember, you only need to activate Max once. After that, you can sign in on any device with your Max email and password.
Linking your provider is the first step to accessing all the content on Max. Follow these steps and troubleshooting tips, and you should be good to go. If you still have issues, contact Max Support or your provider for help.

Help Full Links
Official Website : https://auth.max.com/providers
Help : https://help.max.com/US/Answer/Detail/000002557